Former Freight Associate for Home Depot with detail-oriented display experience.
Looking for a job or internship as a Quality Assurance Engineer
Green River College - Auburn, WA
Bachelor of Applied Science, expected January 2024
Major: Software Development (Applied Computer Science), Cum GPA 3.52
AAS-Systems and Security:
Relevant Coursework:
- Winter (2023) Systems Programming
- Winter (2023) Web Dev Frameworks
- Spring (2023) Data Structures
- Fall (2019) Beginning Java
- Winter (2020) Advanced Java
- Winter (2020) Contemporary Math for IT
- Winter (2019) Web Program W/Javascript
- Spring (2022) Data Science Foundations
Skills and Certifications
- Languages: Java, SQL, JavaScript, PHP
- Web: HTML, Bootstrap
- Agile: Pair Programming, Experience Teaching Online, Working in Sprints,
- Tools: Intelij, WebStorm, PHPStorm, JUnit, Eclipse, Git
Kent School District - Kent, WA
Technology Support Services Summer Intern
- During my tenure, I gained valuable experience in managing an SQL database to maintain student records within a school system.
Additionally, under the guidance of my team lead, I acquired knowledge on imaging over 500 computers
and implementing macros to simplify the process of navigating and updating records in an SQL database.
- My team and I, under the guidance of the team lead, successfully imaged over 500 computers throughout the Kent School District
- Managed the technical operations of the Kentlake High School computer lab during the summer months.
Assisted in resolving technical issues and provided support for troubleshooting and debugging in-house
software on computers
School Project Experience
Duck Cat Dog:
During my Front-End Web Dev class at Green River College,
I worked on a variation of the game Duck-Duck Goose with three other students,
one of whom was a close friend I met in the program. I remember we were all working on our own versions of the game.
Patrick, my friend, asked me to review their code and provide my insight. I noticed a lot of redundancy
in the logic of their code. After discussing their intent with the design of the project, I was able to refactor
their code from 2000 lines to 650 lines, while still achieving the same intent.
Tower of Hanoi:
I remember working on a project in Programming 2/Java 2 where we had to implement
the Tower of Hanoi using a linked list. I was unfamiliar with data structures at the time
and found the concept of the game and designing the linked list to be confusing.
Although I was able to complete the project, my solution was not optimal. Later, while browsing TikTok,
I stumbled upon a video of someone solving the Tower of Hanoi with a variation of discs.
This sparked my interest to learn more. I discovered that the key to the puzzle is to start with the right move
and that it is somewhat based on odds and evens. I also understood the logic behind it being a recursive function,
as one slot depends on the next sequence of executions to close/terminate.